
   Other Includes;
Links to  publications pertinent to Turneffe are listed below. 

Surrounded on all sides by deep ocean, Turneffe Atoll is relatively isolated intact marine ecosystem. Many coastal marine habitats are well represented at Turneffe including the following terrestrial habitats identified by Meerman, 2004; Caribbean mangrove forest (basin mangrove, coastal fringe mangrove, and mixed mangrove scrub), littoral forest and herbaceous beach vegetation. 
McCloskey, T. A. and K.-b. Liu (2013). "Sedimentary History of Mangrove Cayes in Turneffe Islands, Belize: Evidence for Sudden Environmental Reversals." Journal of Coastal Research: 971-983.
Chi, F. 2003. Long term effect of hurricane disturbance and recovery based on vegetation coverage, biomass and productivity estimates of the Turneffe mangrove forest in Belize, University of Bremen.
Chi, F. 2012. Long-Term Changes in Mangrove Forests and Cays Following Hurricanes at Turneffe Islands, Belize, University of British Columbia (Vancouver).
Murray, M.R., et al. (1999). Soil-plant Relationships and Revised Vegetation Classification of Turneffe Atoll, Belize, Smithsonian Inst.
Wooller, M. J., et al. (2009). "Late Holocene hydrologic and vegetation changes at Turneffe Atoll, Belize, compared with records from mainland Central America and Mexico." Palaios 24(10): 650-656.
Granek, E. F. and B. I. Ruttenberg (2007). "Protective capacity of mangroves during tropical storms: a case study from'Wilma' and'Gamma' in Belize." Marine Ecology Progress Series 343: 101-105.
Piou, C., et al. (2006). "Zonation Patterns of Belizean Offshore Mangrove Forests 41 Years After a Catastrophic Hurricane1." Biotropica 38(3): 365-374.
Mumby, P. J. (2006). "Connectivity of reef fish between mangroves and coral reefs: algorithms for the design of marine reserves at seascape scales." Biological Conservation 128(2): 215-222.
Boizard, S. D., and S. J. Mitchell. 2011. Resistance of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L.) seedlings to deflection and extraction. Trees 25: 371-381.
Chang S. 2015. A Preliminary Assessment of the Blue Carbon Capacity of Belizean Mangroves with Ecological, Economic, and Policy Perspectives: Duke University.
Fang W-T, Chou J-Y. Dwarf and fringe mangrove forest stands of Calabash Caye (Belize). 2008.
Stoddart D. STORM CONDITIONS AND VEGETATION IN EQUILIBRIUM OP REEF ISLANDS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1(9). 1964.
Environmental Research Institute, University of Belize, August 2011, Status of Marine Ecosystems at Turneffe Atoll. Results of 2010 MBRS Synoptic Monitoring 

Stoddart, D.R. 1962. Three Caribbean atolls: Turneffe Islands, Lighthouse Reef, and Glovers Reef, British Honduras. Atoll Res. Bull. 87:1-151.

"Belize Coastal Threats Atlas”, A collaborative data product coordinated by  the World Resources Institute, Draft May 2005

Meerman, J.C., Belize Forest Department, "Compilation of Information on Biodiversity in Belize”, November 30, 2005.

Meerman, J. C. 2005. Belize Ecosystems Map:  Source Metadata Diagram

Epstein, Larry; "Belize Fisheries Sector”, October 2008

Cooper, E., L. Burke and N. Bood. 2008. "Coastal Capital: Economic Contribution of Coral Reefs and Mangroves to Belize”. Washington DC: World Resources Institute.

Young C. A., and Horwich R, "History of Protected Area Designation, Co-management and Community Participation in Belize”

Editors: N. D. Jacobs and A. Castaneda; various authors; National Biodiversity Committee Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment Belmopan, Belize, Central America;   "Belize National Biodiversity Strategy”, September, 1998.

Editors:  Meerman, J., Wilson, J. Roger Wilson; "Belize National Protected Areas System Plan”, November 30, 2005

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Annual Report 2008 "Agriculture: Pillar of the Belizean Economy”.
Deehr RA, Barry DB, Chagaris DD, Luczkovich JJ. Using SCUBA and Snorkeling Methods to Obtain Model Parameters for an Ecopath Network Model for Calabash Caye, Belize, Central America. 2007.
Baie LF. Possible Structural Link between Yucatan and Cuba: GEOLOGICAL NOTES. AAPG Bulletin 54(11): 2204-2207. 1970.

Etnoyer PJ, Brennan ML, Finamore D, Hammond S, Vargas M, Janson X et al.Exploration and Mapping of the Deep Mesoamerican Reef. Oceanography 28(1): 34-35. 2015.
Gischler E. Sedimentation on three Caribbean atolls: Glovers reef, Lighthouse reef and Turneffe islands, Belize. Facies 31(1): 243-254. 1994.
Gischler E, Hudson JH. Holocene development of three isolated carbonate platforms, Belize, Central America. Marine Geology 144(4): 333-347. 1998.
Gischler E. Holocene lagoonal development in the isolated carbonate platforms off Belize. Sedimentary Geology 159(1): 113-132. 2003.
Gischler E, Swart PK, Lomando AJ. Stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen in modern sediments of carbonate platforms, barrier reefs, atolls, and ramps: patterns and implications. Perspectives in carbonate geology: a tribute to the career of Robert Nathan Ginsburg 61-74. 2007.
Gossett R, Sautter L. 2015. Exploring the Bathymetry, Geomorphology, and Seafloor Substrate off the Western Flank of Turneffe Atoll, Belize U.S. Hydro 2015 Conference, New Orleans. LA.
McCloskey TA, Liu K-b. Sedimentary History of Mangrove Cays in Turneffe Islands, Belize: Evidence for Sudden Environmental Reversals. Journal of Coastal Research 971-983. 2013. 

Castelblanco Martínez DN, Ramos EA, Rainwater T, Platt S, Wallace B, Cawich C et al. 2014. Long-term research of large marine vertebrates at Turneffe Atoll, Belize. In: Natural Management Resources Symposium, Belmopan. p 4.
Harborne A. Fish and coral species list compiled by Coral Cay Conservation: Belize 1990-1998. 2000.
Platt SG, Thorbjarnarson JB, Rainwater TR. Notes on the mammals of Turneffe. Atoll, Belize. Caribbean Journal of Science 36(1-2): 166-168. 2000.